What basically happens is that you walk into an area, have to kill a handful of dudes to unlock a closed door, and then move on. A big part of this is that it's incredibly repetitive. While this straight-forward style should theoretically make room for some big action sequences and perhaps a tighter experience, that's not really the case at all. In other words, there's no exploring to do (aside from looking around a corner for a hidden pickup) and you can't choose which side you want to play as, like in the PS3 and Xbox 360 games. The game is a third-person action title where you work straight through its story and switch between playing as Autobots and Decepticons as the story dictates. Shielded guys are no fun to fight with a slow melee system. On a positive note, Shia Labeouf isn't in the game at all, save a couple sentences that he says at the end of the game (though you don't even see him), so there's that.
So, if you're looking for something that gives you the movie experience point-for-point on your console of choice, this won't do it for you. There are still the same "boss" Transformers that show up (like Devastator) and the story reaches roughly the same climax, though the in-between stuff seems like it's very much different. Now let me start off by saying that I haven't seen the film yet, though a number of folks in the office have, and after going over what happens in the game with them, it seems that this version of Revenge of the Fallen only very roughly follows the story of the movie. Or, should I say multiple videogame adaptations, as the Wii and PS2 versions of the game are nothing like their PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC counterparts. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen hits theaters nationwide today, and it's no surprise that the film has gotten a videogame adaptation.